How to inspire a true love for learning in children

  In their formative years, children are always eager to explore their surroundings. They soak up new information like a sponge and pick up skills quite fast. But as they grow up, they end up losing their love of learning along the way. Therefore, many children end up disliking their schools or even dread learning new things.


While children have an innate curiosity from the start, they aren’t born learners. But when it comes to learning, every good learner had to become one at some point. Hence, any children, who possess the right tool and have the right motivation, have the potential to become a good learner at the best school in Noida.


However, most parents limit learning to the best nursery school in Noida. While the school is your child's primary source of knowledge, their academic growth should extend beyond it. There is so much to experience outside the school. Fortunately, you can easily create an environment that encourages a learning habit in children.


So, if you want to enhance your child’s desire and ability to learn, try the following tips and strategies:


Help them find their interests:

The most effective way to engage a child is through an activity that genuinely interests them. Teachers also allow children to choose topics that are more interesting to them as it can improve the learning experience in the classroom. Hence, one way to ignite a love of learning is to help your child discover and explore things that interest them. 


Talk to your children about what they like to do, read or learn. You can try exposing them to different learning experiences like zoos and museums. Also, give the books to help them cover various topics and spark their interest in learning.


Offer them hands-on experience:

Children learn better when they can move, touch and experience the process. Several types of research have suggested that children who use their actions or surroundings to solve a problem are more likely to answer it correctly. Therefore, the hands-on approach is the most effective method to help children with learning.


Try to incorporate interactions, movements or tangible activities in your child’s learning experiences as much as possible. You can also try learning blocks or manipulatives designed to help children perceive complex concepts, such as mathematics.


Find what works best for your child:

Every child has their own interests as well as a unique learning style. So what works best on other children might not be effective for them. Therefore, you need to figure out what type of learning style is most effective for them. According to the teachers and child psychologists, three common types of learning styles are visual, auditory and kinaesthetic. 


You can take help from some online quizzes to determine your child’s learning style. Visual learning style is effective for children that are observant and enjoy art. Auditory style is better for good listeners and has an interest in music. Kinaesthetic style is suitable for active children who like sports or dance.


Don’t forget to make it fun

The golden rule to have your child’s undivided attention is by making it fun for them. When your children see learning as more fun and less stressful, they start to love it even more. Even dry and boring topics can become more fun if you give a little bit of thought. 


You can incorporate songs, games, outings and scavenger hunts into your child’s learning experience. You can also try art projects, musical lessons or creative writing into some of the boring topics. Another way to make it more fun is by introducing “brain breaks” to your child. They are short and silly activities that can break the 

monotony during the study or preparations of  nursery school admission.


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